Tower of trample wiki scarlett shoe challeneg
Tower of trample wiki scarlett shoe challeneg

Royal Guard is a class that can somewhat solo once properly geared but requires tons of patience and love for the class. This class, Like the other 3-2/Support Classes are meant to be played in a party setting where they shine the most. This guide might be updated should new content drop in. UPDATE: 4th Class has been active on the new TEST SERVER (not yet implemented on the live server)! Please report any bugs you may find: I mainly play a Shield Chain build so this will primarily be focused on that build but Ill also be sharing my knowledge on the other builds that I am familiar with. as for the PVP/MH aspect I'm still collecting data and doing my interviews of people who play this path so it might take a while. This guide will cover all the knowledge that I've accumulated over the years playing this class in a PVM setting as of Patch 17.2: Sage's Legacy. Hey Guys! My name is Slim/Kibb and this a guide I made in order to inform, and hopefully inspire faithfuls like you to take on the the path of Discipline and Honor, the path to becoming a Royal Guard. Memory of King Schmidt Von Walter Royal Guard sprites (I have alot of changes so here are all the RG's I own) I'm going to accept you as a member of the Royal Guard to continue their lost traditions." Now, it's time to keep the promise with Heinrich. This is a contract with Heinrich, so I have to keep it. -: Added a Meta Status section, updated some images to reflect my current setup, and did some cleaning on the code and info on the guide and added 17.2 gears on the Support Build.7/24/21 : Added Temporal Circlet to the Spear Section and did some minor gif updates.Expected to be released sooner once final tests have been implemented along with the appropriate 4th class content. : 4th jobs have been implemented in the new NovaLabs TEST SERVER, so far the skills are working as intended for the class but majority of the 4th class behavior and new traits are complete.: Added the new Thanatos Tower Rework cards and will do more research for the accessories.

tower of trample wiki scarlett shoe challeneg

  • : Added Racing Cap to the shield build and Thanatos Accessories to Shield and Spear builds.
  • : Added Costume Stones section, Edda Biolab cards, Magic Build Section(in the works).
  • : Edited the skills section to include the latest pre-4th job patch rework for the 3rd class skills, reworded/worked Crit Skill builds and gears, Started work on Magic Build gears/data/experience.
  • : Started Work on the Magic Build with 60% progress done, added Patent Aquatic Spear to Spear Section'.
  • WARNING!: Before you proceed please read the updates to determine the latest development in the guide.

    tower of trample wiki scarlett shoe challeneg

    Slim(Schmidt von Walter ign) Credits to Nickie for the amazing Art!

    Tower of trample wiki scarlett shoe challeneg